City "Poor" Farm, Poor Farm Road, Hallowell, 1879
Courtesy of Sumner A. Webber, Sr., an individual partner
In a Mayor's Address from 1879, it is reported that The domestic affairs have been managed with neatness and economy, and the inmates have been kindly cared for. From the report of the committee who recently visited the farm to appraise the produce, &c., I should judge the premises to be in good condition. Among other produce there was raised the past season 50 tons of hay, 175 bushels of potatoes 140 bushels of apples, 175 bushels oats and barley, quite an amount of corn, beans, &c., also 1200 pounds pork and 500 pounds beef. The number of poor maintained at the farm the past year, was 13. The number over sixty years of age, 9; the oldest is 84; the youngest 18; average age about 63. There have been no deaths, and the general health of the inmates has been good.