In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

Police and Fire Citations

Administrator,. New England Muster Assn.. 20 Sept. 2009. N.E.M.A.. 10 Apr. 2011 <>.

Bringing Back Train Travel To The U.S.. 19 July 2009. The Good Human. 14 Apr. 2011 <>.

Capa, Cornell. Frank Bergen’s World of Mirth Carnival. Time’s Collection on Google Images. N.p.: Life Magazine, 1948.

“Cascade Still Well Preserved.” Hand Tub Owned by Vaughan Family In Hallowell, Built In 1819 Long a Central Maine Attraction, n.d.,

City Council, Hallowell. ed. City of Hallowell, Maine. n.d. 13 Apr. 2011 <http://>.

City of Ellsworth History. 2011. Ellsworth City Hall. 27 Mar. 2011 <http://>.

“City of Hallowell, Maine.” n.d. Type=B_BASIC&... (accessed Apr. 12, 2011).

Depositors Trust Company. member federal reserve system. Hallowell Fire Alarm    
boxes. N.p.: n.p., n.d.

Devlin, Douglas W. Police: The official Police Method Of Arrest and Self-Defense. N.p.: n.p., 2003.

Genealogical and family history of the state of Maine, Volume 3  By Henry Sweetser
Burrage, Albert Roscoe Stubbs. n.d.

Google. 13 Apr. 2011 <>.

"Hallowell History." Trans. Sumner A. Webber. Web.

"Hallowell Raises Funds to Restore Historic Fire Truck."  The Kennebec Journal [augusta] 31 Oct. 1990.

"Hand Tub to Again at Muster." [hallowell] 7 July 1962: n. pag.
"Handtub Info - Great Midwestern Handtub Fire Enjine Expo." Aurora Regional Fire Museum. Aurora Regional Fire Museum, 26 June 2004. Web. 28 Apr. 2011. < handtubs_&_musters.html>

"Handtub To Spout Again At Muster." The Kennebec Journal [augusta] 7 July 1967.

History of Hallowell Fire Department. n.d. hallowell. n.d. <http://{11D...>.

“History of Hallowell Fire Department.” Kennebec Journal n.d.: N. page

Item 31351 - Luther F. Gray, City Marshall, Hallowell, 1931. n.d. Maine
Historical Society. 13 Apr. 2011 < ln=31351>.

"Interview." Trans. Sumner A. Webber. Web.

Jando, Dominique. Ben Williams. 13 Sept. 2010. Circopedia:  The Free Encyclopedia of the International Circus. 1 Apr. 2011 < index.php? title=Ben_Williams&action=history>.

Kaufman, Jerry. WHAT A FIRE MUSTER IS ALL ABOUT. 2005. California Fireman’s Muster Association. 16 Apr. 2011 < whatisamuster.htm>.

Leech, Eric. Bringing Back The Train. 14 Aug. 2008. 14 Apr. 2011

member, of the town.Annual report. 1903.

member, of the town. Annual report. 1904

member, of the town. Annual report. 1905

member, of the town. Annual report. 1906.

member, of the town. Annual report. 1907.

Nason, Emma H. Old Hallowell on the Kennebec. n.d. 14 Apr. 2011 <http://>.

Nason, Emma H. Old Hallowell on the Kennebec. South China, ME: Sam Teddy Publishing, 2009.

“The History of The Fireman’s Muster.” n.d. +history+of+fireman%... (accessed Apr. 27, 2011).

Past FHM Muster Winners. 2008. Fireman’s Hall Museum Fire Safety Expo and Muster. 26 Mar. 2011 <>.

Police, City Marshal and Officers, Hallowell, 1888. 2011. Maine Historical
Society. 13 Apr. 2011 <>.

"Occasion of Aid to Augusta Firemen." [hallowell] n.d.: n. pag.

"Tiger Association Revived; Funds Sought." The Kennebec Journal [augusta] 10 August 1962.

"Tiger Returns Victorious as Hallowell Boys Take Prize for Best Uniforms." The Kennebec Journal [augusta] 1937.

Laberge, Mike. “It’s 200 and counting.” Kennebec Journal 17 Mar. 1990

sam. Online interview. 27 Apr. 2011.

snell, katherine H. hisoric hallowell. N.p.: kennebec journal print shop, 1962.webber,

Sumner, Webber. Interview by MacDonald T. Owen. 26 Apr. 2011.

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Webber, Sumner “Sam“. Personal interview. 21 Mar. 2011.

Webber, Sumner. Online interview. 13 Apr. 2011.

“What’s a Muster?.” n.d. (accessed Apr. 11, 2011).

Wikipedia; Muster (event). 17 Jan. 2011. wikipedia. 5 Apr. 2011 < wiki/Muster_%28event%29>.

Unknown, Unknown. Fire hydrants. Ed. Unknown Unknown. n.d. n.d. <http://What are the prices of fire hydrants?>.

Unknown, Unknown Unknown. "Maine Memory Network: How To Contribute: Maine Community Heritage Project." The Maine Memory Network, Maine's Online Museum, a Project of the Maine Historical Society. Uknown, uknown. Web. 09 May 2011. <>.

Unknown, Uknown Uknown. "Racine Fire Department." What Are the Cost of Suppliesfor Fire departments? Unknown, unknown. Web. unknown. <unknown>.

Unknown, Unknown Unknown. "Town of Dresden Fire Fighters." Dresden, Maine. Dresden Fire Department, uknown. Web. 09 May 2011. <http://>.