Ice Storm, Academy and Middle streets, Hallowell, 1998
Intersection of Academy and Middle Streets, Hallowell.Hubbard Free Library
You are in a peaceful sleep. All of a sudden, you hear a loud, cracking noise, a tree limb has fallen. What is happening? One of the biggest storms in the history of Maine. It is January 8th, 1998. The Ice Storm of 1998 has just begun. Ice falling from the sky for eight days without stopping. Ten years later, in the year 2008 the effects on trees still show.
Welcome to the Ice Storm of 1998 exhibit of our website. Here you will find many pictures scanned by students, and projects created by our students at Hall-Dale Middle School’s seventh grade. These include a time line, comic strips, wanted ads, a map, interviews, newspaper articles, essays on days one through eight of the ice storm, about what people did for food, and effected businesses, and the ways it effected us and how it was cleaned up. There will also be oral interview videos.
Written by Chris Pomerleau
Time Line
•DAY 1. The storm comes to Maine. January 8,1998.
•DAY 2. Most of all of Maine is out of power now. January 9,1998.
•DAY 3. By this time Augusta Civic Center became a shelter for people without power.
January 10, 1998.
•DAY 4. Families were stuck without any electricity or food and the temperature was slowly dropping below zero during the night. January 11,1998
•DAY 5. The power is coming back slowly but surely. January 12,1998
•DAY 6. Each day the power was getting back town by town. January 13,1998
•DAY 7. The ice was melting January 14,1998
•DAY 8. The final day of the storm. January 15,1998
Written by Amber Bell & Ashley Boerner